Why keywords like “lawyer” should not exist in a first time conversation

This morning I received a communication (very polite, I recognize) from a developer saying something like this: “My client phone (an insurance broker) is on your site. Please take it down. Otherwise we have a mandate to use our Lawyers”

Indeed, I have several insurance sites, and in one of them there is a list with all Romanian Insurance Brokers companies, and there was also the guy that I was notified about. Also that particular page has top ranking in Google, so it gets a lot of traffic.

But because the notification seemed very menacing, It pissed me off so much, so I deleted not only the phone number of that broker, but the broker itself. Not to mention my attitude to the guy that send me the notification is not one of the best.

I am a very reasonable person and I would have listen the request very easy. But showing threat in a first time conversation with somebody you don’t know is not a very good way to start a conversation. It’s somehow basic.