This app, KIDIBOT, helps kids want to read more

KIDIBOT is a educational platform done by us, in order to help kids want to read more.

Site: + iOS/Android mobile apps).

The CROCOBETS are some nasty-funny aliens that want to conquer Earth through stupidity and laziness. KIDIBOT is a nice little robot created by some good aliens that helps kids fight CROCOBETS. Kids answer quizzes from hundreds of books, earn points and help their teams win.

It’s a nice narrative story the the kids must go through a series of challenges and battles (the Beginning, the Kidibot Academy, The Earth fight, The Galactic Battles. They win points, badges based on merit (team player, ninja, etc) and prizes.

The characters (Kidibot, Crocobets and their allies):
The kids ranking:
Classes ranking:
Towns ranking:
A kid’s profile: (see the badges and points)
The English books quizzes we have so far:

If you have kids, I hope you’ll use it and tell us what you think.. 🙂